Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to eskimos

"Separation" by Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

For more of their songs cheak out their myspace page...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Blog 7

Throughout the entire nectar in a sieve book change is happening, change in government, life style, weather. Change is all around them. change in gov. is shown at the beginning of the book, when Ruku talks about how her father no longer has power as the chief. And that the tax collectors now hold the real power. Change is weather is throughout the entire book, the many tsunamis, followed by the horrible drought, all causing a shortage of food, and over all chaos. Change is all around in Nectar in a sieve.

Blog 6

Hope is also shown in the Nectar, Rukmani has hope for her family. She hopes thatthey will be ok any be able to live through these hard times. When she is baren she hopes for children. Hpoe is well shown throughout the book. Without hope ruku would never survive the hardships that overcome her and her loved ones. Hope is all she had to hold on to, which is why she is a great example of hope.

Blog 5

In Nectar, belief is show in a different way. Ruku believes that you show strength by not asking for help when times are hard. But sticking it out till the end, and making the best of what you have. Kenny dose not agree with this, he questions and criticizes these beliefs because he doesn't understand them. Many people in the world put people down becouse of their belefs. Only because they do not understand them. This mistake is well shown in Nectar in a seive.

Blog 4

Gender has been a problem for a long time. In Nectar in a sieve, this problem is shown. Woman don't have much of a say if their husband say otherwise. This is shown all over the world, for century's people have been defined by their gender. In Nester the male characters are able to find jobs, and make income. Wile woman on the other hand stay at home and watch their children. This book shows a great look on the problems with gender in most society's.

Blog 3

In the book Nectar in a sieve, a different culture is show. Ruku's family and almost everyone around her are from a culture very different from that of the character kenny. Kenny is from a much more modern lifestyle, much like ours here in the US. He experiences a different culture and see's the differences first hand, that we could never understand.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog 2

In the book nectar in a sieve, by Kamala Markandaya, Riki the main character has a struggle to overcome when she goes 6 years without having children. She only had one daughter, and in her cultur that is not a good thing. she ends up being under a lot of presure and stress untill a doctor and friend kenny and he gives her something that helps, after that she has many sons andis ok agian.

Blog 1

In nectar in a sieve, by Kamala Markandaya the people have monsoons, these are narural storms that flood the feilds and destroy all of their hard work. This efects everyone in a bad way. if the field are flooded then the people have less food, less food to give to the land owner, and less food for their already starving familys. Natural desasters havea big efect on life.