Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to eskimos

"Separation" by Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

For more of their songs cheak out their myspace page...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Outside reading 6

After a couple of hours of talking, Scarlet and charlotte become friends. Charlotte relizes after a wile that she is late for a meeting at the dorms for the dead. She rushes to get there in the nik of time, but dosent avoid prue in the prosses. Pure being the leader, jumps on her right away about were she was and why she was late. Charlotte being afraid lied to her.

Outside reading 5

When seeing scarlet in the shower she screams, then out of no were scarlet screams and it takes charlotte a minute to realize that this one person can actualy see her. In shock they both sit down and try to figure the whole thing out.

Outside reading 4

After dead ed Charlotte follows her crush to his girlfriends house and watches, or stalks him for the entire afternoon, then she go's into te bathroom after wandering around a bit. When she see's the shower running she thinks its damen so she gets in. To her supprize its not, its his girlfriends sister scarlet.

Outside reading 3

At lunch Charlotte runs into a living kid and passes right through him, making him panic and run away. At the dead kids lunch all there was to eat was candy and junk food. There she found out why people had their names.

Outside reading 2

Still rereading Ghost Girl, in dead ed Charlotte User the new student of the dead meets some interesting people, piccolo Pam, Mr. brain, Metal mike, and the evil Prue. Then she watches a video anout how all the students have to work together in order to pass on.

Family Heroes

~Family Hero's~

Family hero simply is your family. your parents are heros, they provide for you and raise you. you brothers and sisters and heros, there with you through thick and thin. grandparents, aunts, uncles, there all heros to you in your own family.

Our family is the proverbial egg that we were hatched from.

Everything about us. both nature and nurture comes from this place.

Our family is everything.

Sometimes we choose to run away from
our roots because they are too painful to face.

Ultimately however, if we do not face where we came from,
we will have difficulty understanding our present and future.
~poem from Family Friend Poems~

Sweet Sunny South

Take me back to the place where I first saw the light
To that sweet sunny south take me home
Where the mockingbird sings me to sleep every night
Oh why was I tempted to roam

Well they say that the path to our cabins grown green
And the stones are quit mossy around
And I know that all the faces and forms that I love
still lie in the cold mossy ground

Take me back to the place where I first saw the light
To that sweet sunny south take me home
Where the mockingbird sings me to sleep every night
Oh why was I tempted to roam

Take me back to the place where the orange trees grow
To that place in the evergreen shade
Where the flowers from the river's green margins did grow
And spread their sweet scent through the glade

Take me back to the place where I first saw the light
To that sweet sunny south take me home
Where the mockingbird sings me to sleep every night
Oh why was I tempted to roam

This song is about wanting to go home to your family and the regret of leaving in anger because in the end all you have is family.

Family's are hero's in the way that every family sticks together, they help their family in hard times, and stay with them no matter what.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Outside reading

For my outside reading i am reading ghost girl by Tonya Hurley. Ghost girl is about a girl who has never been seen. And this year she wants to change that. And things seem to working out in her favor, the she got to sit in the back of the class room, and she was lab partners with the guy she liked. As if that wasn't enough Damian the her lab partner also asked her to tutor him! Just as her first day begins to seem like nothing can go wronge, somthing dose. as she is watching damian walk to his next class, she begins to choke on a gummy bear. when she awakens she finds she is dead. She now has to go to dead ed, in order to pass on and she just cant seem to let go on life.