Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to eskimos

"Separation" by Icicles to Eskimos

Icicles to Eskimos

For more of their songs cheak out their myspace page...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Outside reading

For my outside reading i am reading ghost girl by Tonya Hurley. Ghost girl is about a girl who has never been seen. And this year she wants to change that. And things seem to working out in her favor, the she got to sit in the back of the class room, and she was lab partners with the guy she liked. As if that wasn't enough Damian the her lab partner also asked her to tutor him! Just as her first day begins to seem like nothing can go wronge, somthing dose. as she is watching damian walk to his next class, she begins to choke on a gummy bear. when she awakens she finds she is dead. She now has to go to dead ed, in order to pass on and she just cant seem to let go on life.