Last of Mr. Bumble. After the farries helped him with his pail he thanked them and told them of him flying problem. They decided to help. So they taught him how to fly without crashing. And land on a flower without disturbing a single water droplet. When they were done he thanked them again and flew off. He filled his bucket with more pollen than anyone in the hive. When he returned he presented it to the queen and she was so impressed she gave him a golden pail. And his old one was put up on display for all future generations to see.
Icicles to Eskimos
Icicles to Eskimos
Icicles to eskimos
"Separation" by Icicles to Eskimos
Icicles to Eskimos
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Reading min 6
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Reading min 5
More Mr. Bumble. When Mr. Bumble landed with a thud. He heard strange noises. He was sure he was done for. Then something picked him up and removed the pail from his head. He prepared himself for the worst. But what he saw was something he wasn't prepared for. Faries! All around him. Every where there were fariys of all shapes and sizes. And they were there to help.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:35 AM 0 comments
Reading min 4
Mr. Bumble By Kim Kennedy. This book is about a bee that wasn't the best flier in the hive. Actually he was the worst. One day the queen found a nice place for pollen. So the hive set out. All the other bees got there and got their pollen no problem. But poor Mr. Bumble couldn't seem to o it. He suddenly got his head stuck in his pail and fell.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Reading min 3
Last part of Alice and Greta. Greta never listened to her teacher. One day she decided to make disaster. the brewed up and evil potion. she went ou and used it to do all sorts of evil things. From turning princes into frogs to destroying sand castles to taking soccer balls from kids to turning a playground into a marshmellowy sticky mess that traped all the kids. this all finaly russed back to ger in the end and she was gone forever.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:20 AM 0 comments
Reading min 2
More of Alice and Greta..... Alice and Greta have known each other their whole lives. they even went to school with each other. Alice was the top student. Greta was one of the worst. She was evil. Her teacher once told her something... a brewmerang principle: Whatever you chant, whatever you brew, sooner or later comes back to you!
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:12 AM 0 comments
Reading Min. 1
I read Alice and Greta by Steven J. Simmons. Its a children's book about two witches and good and one evil. Sharing a mountain to live on. Alice spends her time playing with the children and gardening. Greta spends her time prewing evil posions to make the kids unhappy.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oddesy Essay Final Draft
Anastasia T. Mitchell
Hour 4
The person who throws something back at their friend is the one who ends up in trouble. Revenge is something everyone feels at one point. When Someone throws a pencil, or something at another person, the friend automatically throws it back. That is a simple way of getting revenge. Similar to the revenge in "The Odyssey" by Homer, translated by Robert Fagles. Revenge, no matter what, only seems like a good idea at first. Most people think nothing will happen, and they have it coming to them, also that they themselves, will not get in any trouble. But the thing about revenge is, it doesn’t always go their way. There’s a chance things will go their way, but most likely it won’t. Going back to the pencil, someone's friend throws a pencil at their friend; nothing happens to them. Because of this, the friend picks it up and throw it back. Next thing they know, they're in trouble. Revenge seems satisfying, but it never really is in the long run. So in the end, revenge stabs people in the back.
Revenge, although wrong, can also help self esteem. If someone really thinks, that a person has done them wrong, than revenge can overall be helpful. Their way of revenge may be to make that person get caught. Then the person who has done them wrong is the one in trouble. If someone has hurt another person, and/or someone they care about, then revenge can help everyone. Odysseus gets revenge for his family and himself, "Only a priest, a prophet for this mob, you say?- How hard you must have prayed in my own house- that the heady day of my return would never dawn- my dear wife would be yours, would bear your children!- For that there's no escape from grueling- you die!" (22, 337-341) Revenge can be for the well being of others.
Now although revenge can help, this does not make it right! People can still get themselves, and others, in trouble for trying to get revenge. As said before, it's always the person who throws the pencil back that gets into trouble. And in most cases the person that throws it back ends up in more trouble than they would have if they had succeeded at getting revenge. So, still in the end revenge only stabs people in the back. And it's never worth it.
Another way of getting revenge, is getting revenge for someone else. Odysseus stabbed Poseidon's son's eye out. "I called back with another burst of anger, 'Cyclops- if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so- say Odysseus,- raider of cities, he gourged out your eye." (9, 557-561) this provokes Poseidon to get revenge on Odysseus. Like all other types of revenge, it only seems like a good idea. Poseidon, the god of earthquakes, tried to get revenge on Odysseus for stabbing his son's eye out. " At that a massive wave came crashing down on his head,- a terrific on slaught spinning his craft round and round- he was thrown clear or the decks- the steering-oar wrenched- from his grasp." (5, 346-349) In the end, getting revenge can actually give the person they were harming the confidence to keep going just to spite them.
So, in the very end, revenge can only help in a rare case, but ultimately it only hurts people and the people they care about. Revenge is something that happens when people are blinded by anger. And no true good can come from it. Even when it ends well for them, they still have to live with the facts of what they have done. And their choices can effect the people around them as well. Revenge is never worth it.
"The Odysseys" By Homer Translated by Robert Fagles
Posted by AnastasiaM at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Outside reading 6
After a couple of hours of talking, Scarlet and charlotte become friends. Charlotte relizes after a wile that she is late for a meeting at the dorms for the dead. She rushes to get there in the nik of time, but dosent avoid prue in the prosses. Pure being the leader, jumps on her right away about were she was and why she was late. Charlotte being afraid lied to her.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:25 PM 2 comments
Outside reading 5
When seeing scarlet in the shower she screams, then out of no were scarlet screams and it takes charlotte a minute to realize that this one person can actualy see her. In shock they both sit down and try to figure the whole thing out.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Outside reading 4
After dead ed Charlotte follows her crush to his girlfriends house and watches, or stalks him for the entire afternoon, then she go's into te bathroom after wandering around a bit. When she see's the shower running she thinks its damen so she gets in. To her supprize its not, its his girlfriends sister scarlet.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Outside reading 3
At lunch Charlotte runs into a living kid and passes right through him, making him panic and run away. At the dead kids lunch all there was to eat was candy and junk food. There she found out why people had their names.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Outside reading 2
Still rereading Ghost Girl, in dead ed Charlotte User the new student of the dead meets some interesting people, piccolo Pam, Mr. brain, Metal mike, and the evil Prue. Then she watches a video anout how all the students have to work together in order to pass on.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:02 PM 0 comments
Family Heroes
~Family Hero's~

Our family is the proverbial egg that we were hatched from.

Sweet Sunny South
Take me back to the place where I first saw the light
Posted by AnastasiaM at 10:18 AM 5 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Outside reading
For my outside reading i am reading ghost girl by Tonya Hurley. Ghost girl is about a girl who has never been seen. And this year she wants to change that. And things seem to working out in her favor, the she got to sit in the back of the class room, and she was lab partners with the guy she liked. As if that wasn't enough Damian the her lab partner also asked her to tutor him! Just as her first day begins to seem like nothing can go wronge, somthing dose. as she is watching damian walk to his next class, she begins to choke on a gummy bear. when she awakens she finds she is dead. She now has to go to dead ed, in order to pass on and she just cant seem to let go on life.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Ghost Girl
The book i'v been reading is called ghost girl. It's about this girl that wants nothing more than to be noticed. And just as she is about to have her her dreams come true, damen, the guys she is obsesed with, is her lab partner, shes goinng to tutor him, shes just about to become popular... and then she choked on a gummy bear and died. now she is a ghost who needs to solve her unresolved issues, and keep up with her school work.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 10:52 AM 2 comments
Fav book!!!
Posted by AnastasiaM at 10:23 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Bubble map
i decided to pick musical as the adjective i wanted to write my paragraph on. I believe musical describes my because i love music. i have been singing for as long as i can remember. Music can be expressed is so many ways, its my favorite form of art. It is something that any one can do, and it doesn't take a lot of commitment if you don't want it to. I plan to pursue a career in the performing arts majoring in vocal music.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hall of fame thingy
Hall of Fame
Anastasia T. M.
Graduated 2011
Anastasia M. went to college for musical arts. She then started singing in choruses. She later began to sing in background choruses for plays. Finally, she sang the lead in musicals. About 10 years later she sang in the chorus for operas which progressed to the lead in opera plays. All of this made her very wealthy; she used her newly found wealth to start her own theater. Anastasia's theater slowly became one of the most famous theaters in the world.
Posted by AnastasiaM at 1:41 PM 1 comments